How To join?
To Join LSPD you will need to answer the questions in the application form as well as have no previous convictions on your record.
The License you require are:
Class D Drivers License (This is attained at the Driving School near the airport)
Medical Certificate (These can be acquired at Pillbox by a Medical practitioner)
Gun License (You can acquire this from the Government building or LSPD)
Certificate of Military Service (You are required to spend three days training at the military camp at Fort Zancudo).

What is ldsp?
Founded in 1781, Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) has always been committed to serving the people of Los Santos. As the city has grown and developed since our establishment, so has our Police Department - for example with the addition of different specialty units and subdivisions. Have enabled us to stop crime more effectively due to your trust, We understand our role is to protect and serve, and we work together with the community to keep it safe and fair for all.
The Los Santos Police Department is the primary police force in the city of Los Santos, San Andreas. LSPD is Trained to handle every manner of citizen contacts, ranging from minor disputes to violent crimes such as robbery and murder. On those rare occasions when outside help is necessary, the LSPD will work in conjunction with the FIB or para-military organizations until the situation is rendered safe.