Rules & Regulations
All players are playing their role in the San Andreas Republic is a state located in the southwestern United States of America.
While playing roleplay situations, it is worth relying on the American model of behaviour following the realities of the localities in the USA.
The server positions itself as English-speaking, all RP dialogues have to be in English. | Mute 10-30 minutes.
The time on the server is synchronized with the GMT zone.
Account and characters terms​
1.1 The player can create a maximum of 1 account. | Ban 30 days.
1.2 When creating an account, the player agrees to all the rules of the server.
1.3 The administration is not responsible for the player's account in case of transfer, hacking, scam.
1.4 The player can join only one faction per account. Except 3rd character can join the second faction.
1.5 The player cannot sell or exchange his account. | Permanent ban.
2.1 The player cannot own a business without gaming activity. | Seizure.
2.2 The player cannot own more than 1 business on the whole account. | Seizure.
In-game name:
3.1 The player cannot use not RP nickname. Names and surnames that do not exist, or those that carry a hidden meaning or character.
3.2 The player cannot use a nickname similar to the administrator’s name.
Moderated platforms:
4.1 The administration can use public materials to punish players.
In our logic, public materials consist of Twitch, YouTube channels of our partners, private messages between admin and player, game server and forum.
4.2 Private messages between players are not moderated by the administration. Except for death threats, excessive toxicity, offer to sell or buy virtual currency or items, dissemination of classified information or prohibited third-party software.
Any player can complain about other players' violations in the game by using /report or menu by pressing F2 - Help, or on the forum by using report thread. Also, in case of violating the upper rule player can contact with admin directly in DM's for a fast reaction.
Game rules​-
Stay in character (IC) if the situation does not require you to go out of character (OOC).
5.1 Voice chat is the main and only IC chat. Except for the administration with a “crown” or all players agreed to leave IC and join OOC to specify or talk about something.
Logically OOC chat is made for technical pauses, not to break roleplaying process if the player breaks the rules (you can inform him in that way). Also, it is made for OOC chat communication during the roleplaying process and like that. We cannot link this chat to roleplaying. Make sure you are using this chat right.
5.2 All the OOC information can only be shared by /b, /fb and /cb. | Mute 10-30 minutes.
5.3 Any kind of spam or using nor desired characters is prohibited in text chats. | Mute 10-30 minutes.
5.4 Any toxicity, insults towards relatives and like that of the player are strictly prohibited. | Mute 10-30 minutes.
5.5 Any kind of toxicity and insults are disallowed in OOC chats. | Mute 10-30 minutes.
Regarding upper rule (5.4). Check out our statement on good behaviour. In case of serious violations, you can be punished without a specific rule.
5.6 In fact, walkie-talkie, “department” and “green news” are only IC chats. Players are disallowed to use MG or any OOC information as well as using CapsLock, write messages that do not make sense or use obscene language. | Mute 10-30 minutes.
Roleplaying process:
6.1 Roleplay should not be stopped or become less serious before or after a restart. The process should continue as normal.
RDM (Random Deathmatch) — attacking (giving damage or killing) player/group without the IC reason or story leading up to it. | Jail 60-80 minutes / WARN.
VDM (Vehicle Deathmatch) — attacking (giving damage or killing) player/group on the vehicle to kill or knock down without valid reason. Speed (100+) attacking other vehicles (ramming). | Jail 10-30 minutes.
NRP (non RP) — unrealistic actions or behaviour that go against RP logic. Also means unrealistic driving and flying. | Jail 10-30 minutes / WARN.
NLR (New Life Rule) — if the player has died and respawned at the hospital his character forgets the last events that have led up to being killed. In that case, the player can't make a revenge kill because it directly means breaking the rule. | Jail 10-30 minutes
PG (Power Gaming) — player behaviour that he could not afford in real life. For example, not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harm from other means. Antagonizing gangs/police or armed individuals for no character reason. Regarding firefight actions: 1 vs 1 is not PG. 2 vs 3 is not PG. 1 vs 2 and more is PG. | Jail 10-30 minutes.
SK (Spawn Kill) — giving damage, killing a player on his faction’s prime territory. | WARN.
MG (Meta Gaming) — using OOC information, that your character did not learn in the game. Especially means the usage of information from twitch chats and discord channels. | Jail 10-30 minutes.
6.2 Player cannot get away from roleplaying. Means leaving the game, staying AFK, going to the water or closed interior during the chase and like that. | WARN.
Especially prohibited:
7.1 Players are disallowed to use items to restore health or armour during a firefight. | Jail 10-30 minutes.
7.2 Players are disallowed to shoot pedestrians in a vehicle / from a vehicle. | Jail 10-30 minutes.
Explanation: players can't shoot pedestrians while sitting in the vehicle. Pedestrians (people who aren't sitting in the vehicles) can shoot them.
7.3 Any crime actions towards EMS staff during work are disallowed. The PG rule also applies to EMS staff. | Jail 10-30 minutes. / WARN.
7.4 Players are disallowed to swap the gun with the point of saving this before the death. | Jail 10-30 minutes.
7.5 Players are disallowed to bait other players into breaking the rules.
7.6 Any kind of scam linked to property, items and money in OOC or IC is disallowed. | Permanent ban.
7.7 If the deal can be carried out through the functional, then this is how it should happen.
7.8 Players are not allowed to use or try to use bugs, abuse the rules or the server functions. | WARN / Ban 3-7 days.
7.9 Players are not allowed to use any hacks and third-party software. | Ban 30 days / Permanent ban.
7.10 Players are not allowed to abuse the Anti-AFK system. | WARN.
7.11 Any financial transactions, agreements related to the sale of game currencies, valuables for resources, property are prohibited. | Permanent ban.
7.12 Any kind of wrecking or hindrance regarding the players, the project or the administration are prohibited.
7.13 Aggressive or disrespectful behaviours and actions, targeting, bullying, or toxic behaviour, comments that do not promote a positive inclusive environment involving racism, sexism, homophobia, politics, suicide or self-harm are strictly prohibited. | Ban 3-7 days.
The administrator or helper is an OOC character, his goal is to help players and try to solve difficult in-game moments. Everything that happens in the presence of an administrator with a “crown” is an OOC process.
8.1 Interrupting the administrator, impeding the solution of the situation in absolutely any way is prohibited.
8.2 Any violation of the rules of the OOC or IC process, for example, RDM, during the analysis of the situation by the administrator is prohibited.
8.3 In some cases, the server rules can be changed for individual situations from the point of view of the chief administrator. This rule is not made for making rules “on the run”, but it is made to prevent serious violations.
8.4 In case of situations or violations that are not provided by the server rules, the administration reserves the right to issue punishment at its discretion.
Good behaviour statement
We are strict regarding aggressive or disrespectful behaviours and actions, targeting, bullying, or toxic behaviour, comments that do not promote a positive inclusive environment involving racism, sexism, homophobia, politics, suicide, self-harm, the desire to undermine the role-playing process and such-and-such things.
These actions are unacceptable and will be punished unprecedented, exclusively and very severely. We have no difference between grinding, PvP and roleplaying. Everyone chooses his way. Freedom is here!
Our team respect every player who escaped from the world, joined our server to play his role and have fun. We hope for your understanding and desire to share the enjoyment of the server, with our insane and incredible community.